Action Family Law Practice

561-650-0229 Palm Beach

954-828-1941 Broward


Florida uses child support guidelines to calculate child support obligations. In addition to the amount of overnights spent with each parent, the guidelines typically take into account the net incomes of both parents, the amount of day care needed for the parent to work or seek employment, the amount of health insurance premiums paid to cover the children, as well as the number of minor children. The court may require either parent to provide health insurance coverage if it is reasonably available through their employer or otherwise affordable.

Certain factors, such as the living expenses of the parent paying child support are not usually considered. Once the amount of child support is determined, adjustments can be made if financial circumstances change but you must take the case back to court in order to modify the child support order. Attorney Cari Stevens has extensive experience with child support and the Department of Revenue's judicial and administrative processes.

Call attorney Cari Stevens, Esq., for a free consultation today at
(561) 650-0229 or (954) 828-1941.